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kind of alphabetic soup? |
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return of the gods |
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the Heck Hypothesis |
The Heck Hypothesis According to Kenneth Heck, crop circles tell the story of a number of comets which will be striking the earth over the next 250 some years. These comets and their major fragments will be intentionally directed by aliens, the circle makers, to hit pre-determined impact points, mostly in water. As mankind transitions from the present era to the next, the tough times ahead will remove access to most animal protein for the world’s population; crop circles also predict new genetically altered plant species will bridge the protein gap. The author explains that comets impacting the planet have been an implicit requirement for new species since life first arose on earth. His book, “The Heck Hypothesis: Crop Circle Insight” systematically interprets over 1600 crop circles. ![]() Get his book on amazon |
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alphabet soup |
a new form of communication? The trials to explain extraterrestric intelligence lead to the idea that a message could hide behind the phenomenon. Since the formation of Barbury Castle or the Mandelbrot-set of 1991 at the latest many held that to be the undisputed truth. Supposing that many of the formations are not man-made the designs get a totally different dimension. If there is a meaning behind the circles it is obvious to believe that they are a form of communication. If extraterrestrials indeed had found us and supposing they were well-disposed towards us they certainly wouldn't say hello- we're here-we exist but they'd more likely chose a more subtle way to communicate. The moment they'd introduce themselves they'd also want to get to know us. This is how many supporters of the ET-theory argue for the fact that the circles simply started to appear at a certain moment and increased over the years in size, number and complexity. This could be understood as some sort of test whether we are willing, able and intelligent enough to resume communication. talk to us The bilateral component of the phenomenon, too,is explained by this theory. There are numerous reports where circle researchers uttered their wish to find this or that new formation and only shortly afterwards these formations appeared. A much discussed formation could support this theory: In 1991 when Doug and Dave came out of the bush an american journalist and UFO-believer cut - with the approval of the farmer - the words TALK TO US! into a field. A couple of days later the inscript on Milk Hill appeared which until today caused many speculations. Leading circle specialists take them as authentic and many approaches for interpretation were made. CCCS (Centre for Crip Circle Studies) chairman and archeologist Michael Greene interpreted the hieroglyphs as Senzar, an old script in which the Book of Dzyan of the theosophs was written. He translated the words as Ptah Enki, meaning 'the Creator, wise and kind'. Thus it would be some sort of autograph? Another researcher, astronomer Gerald Hawkins, who analyzed Stonehenge and interpreted it as a prehistoric observatory, also took a closer look at the script. He supposed six signs in the following arrangement: oppono astos: 0 || 122131 || 45615 || 0 With the help of a linguistic computer he went through 18.000 different possibilities in 42 known languages. The only one that made sense was the latin OPPONO ASTOS meaning I AM aGAINST FRAUD (i am against [oppono] craftiness and tricks [astos as the plural accusative case of astus]. A proof for deliberate communication? ![]() |
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landing tracks |
Many crop circles come along with mysterious light apparitions. When the first quintuplets appeared it was obvious to believe they could be landing tracks of spacecraft. A thought that came up because of the symmetric position of the single circles in many formations, similar to the tracks of the lunar module. Such theories were inspired by the common UFO reports where often is talk of circles on the ground at the places where supposedly an UFO landed. But why these spaceships should have landed on almost waist-high grain instead of on the grass - his question was never scrutinized. Possibly because it was softer? This was for quite some time the predominant opinion, at least concerning the simpler formations, but of course not for all those who from the beginning believed that the formations were man-made. When the supporters of this theory realized that the grain in question is not only pressed down but wound in a spiral form they explained that energy vortexes from the landing process were responsible, caused by driving systems unknown to us. It's easy to become ironic or even cynical facing all those different explana-tions, but as nobody knows exactly who or what is at the root of the phenomenon all theories should be considered in a neutral way. If we follow the explanation of landing tracks of an unknown drive, the first doubts arrive at a closer look at the formations. For example there was a five-fold formation where four circles were wound in clock-wise sense but one of the satellite circles was wound the opposite way. Unknown drive is unknown drive. But landing tracks of spaceship are hardly compatible with the pictograms which appear since 1990 and even less with the complex symbols of insectograms, scorpios, snow flakes etc. Thus this theory seems not feasible to explain the manifold patterns in the corn. The theory of landing tracks became more and more neglected and replaced by the idea that spaceship were involved but that the circles did not originate from the landing process but from some sort of radiation from the spaceships. Many are convinced that indeed light apparitions could be closely related with an unknown form of material radiation which allows to precisely and geometrically accurately cut the patterns in the corn. This could explain many special features of the circle phenomenon like the different ways the ears in the circles lie on the ground. Such a form of energy could be able to draw a sketch into the field - the contours of the formation - and then press down the complete design according to this pattern. A form of energy orientated towards a certain medium could also explain why neighbouring stems are often untouched. It is conceivable that the bundled beam of energy has orientated its intensity towards - say barley - and thus stems of a different grain or singularly growing poppy will stay untouched. Another aspect which supports this theory is the fact that such a beam of energy could create the circles without any other physical traces apart from the original formation. An example are the grapeshots that often can be found in the middle of tractor tracks but without any visible connection. The theory does not explain, however, how and whence these spaceships should come down to earth. As of yet no proof has been found for the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet this theory seems questionable, too - or: Are the crop circles the missing proof? ![]() |
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cosmic communication |
the earth as an intelligent super organism As is the case with many paranormal phenomena for some the existence of extraterrestrials seems to be the only logical cause to explain what (still) can't be explained. The abduction theory, believed by many, is one of the great mysteries of our time. Numerous people state to have been abducted by extraterrestrials and brought abord their spaceships. Many report - often under hypnosis - to have been medically analyzed by the extraterrestrials and to have undergone chirurgical operation. Many others doubt the credibility of such reports; Hollywood is too close. Indeed it can be doubted whether these experiences are often reported the same way: Is it because there are so many of them or because they really did happen the same way? Hen or egg? devas and earth guards The context to the crop circles does not evolve at first sight but many of the abducted report under hypnosis that the extraterrestrials showed them symbols which either had already appeared as cropcircles or - even more astounding - appeared shortly afterwards. Other people who had been abducted years and decades before insisted the ETs had prophecied that crop circles would appear and had shown them pictures of future apparitions. Again others reported they'd watched the Greys (in many reports extraterrestrials are called Greys and described as small in size, with big eyes and small mouths, a grey leathery skin and long extremities and communicating through telepathy) laying patterns in the fields or later scrutinizing them. In 1994 a group of youngsters reported that near Silbury Hill they'd become witness of the landing of a spaceship. Small grey creators had come out of the ship and had started to lay a circle formation in the opposite field. Many do not doubt the truth of these story in the least and they take them as a definite proof for the existence of extraterrestrials. In his book Crop Circles published in 1996 Michael Hesemann described a number of these UFO-sightings. Doug Ruby, author of The Gift, even goes further: He describes the cropcircles as some sort of blueprint, sketches of the drive technology of the extraterrestrials. As a sign of well-disposal towards us and friendly communication the ETs offer them to us. open your mind All sorts of light apparitions have been described over the years in connection with the crop circles. According to the UFO-belief which in the meantime seems well anchored in our world and lacking other theories they are often classified as spaceships. The description of such sightings stays fascinating all the same, some of them are said to have send out light beams over the fields and created cropcircles that way. A big dark object is said to have hovered over Barbury Castle the night in which in 1991 the huge triangle appeared. But most reports tell of such spaceships over already existing circles, as if they were inspecting them. But why should extraterrestrial spaceships scrutinize the formations? Do they want to convince themselves of their work or are they equally surprised by the riddle like the many visitors and researches who roam the fields every summer? Psychological tests give reason to believe that there could be a close connection between human consciousness and the UFO-sightings. Possibly the extraterrestrials have a certain talent to use telepathy. Thinking of crop circles this is an interesting idea because some of the circle apparitions seem to correspond to human thought. Many state that UFO-sightings are a 2-way-process where one interferes with or even requires the other. C.G. Jung calls these UFO-reports as a mass psychotic collective awareness. This could also explain why in the reports of eye witnesses the extraterrestrials always look the same. Either they indeed have this appearance or the image projected from the subconscious just corresponds to the known descriptions. It is interesting to note that there are parallels with another phenomenon, the apparitions of Christ or Mary, where the descriptions of Holy Mary are equally similar. The question is logical why the Virgin Mary in the sightings of e. g. Fatima is described exactly like we know her from church paintings. Does she really look that way or is it the conception of her according to the old traditions. You could be daring enough to think that she shows herself that way, just because of the old traditions. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary or of extraterrestrials - both phenomena show the same similarities. Both cases concern people with a firm belief in exactly this one thing and thus are willing to see things that stay hidden from other - or do they project these things from their own subconscious? But the ET-theory as well leaves a number of questions unanswered. Some believe the extraterrestrials want to get in contact with us through those signs. They interpret the crop circles as some sort of cosmic alphabet, a gentle approach to communicate. This may be reasonable. If we take Hollywood as a model the images of catastrophes from box office hits like Independence Day are easy to comprehend. The world order indeed might be turned completely upside down if extraterrestrials would just land on the planet and say, hi, here we are - no matter if they were well-disposed towards us or not. Such a scenario would certainly lead to chaos and disorder, at least at first. This is way the extraterrestrials try to announce themselves quietly and in small steps. At least this is what some say. And this might be reasonable, because the circles could indeed enhance a slowly growing awareness. Supposing the ETs are well-disposed they might well have chosen not to blur out what they're after but to make themselves noticed slowly and to prepare for a first contact. But then again some people have their doubts. Why do the circles often appear in inaccessible areas where the risk is high that they could be just overlooked or noticed by only a few. Some also find it irritating that the circles are often visible only from the air. If the alien technology is developed enough to project such signs, why aren't they not better visible? Why on flat fields, why in rural and hardly prominent regions? Why not on the White house lawn? Und why at least not significantly bigger? Why is this phenomenon, even though gobal in the meantime, mostly british or european? And why the seemingly regional differences in the design variations? Or are there different extraterrestrials competing among each other over the contact with us? And if the signs are meant to enable communication, why are many of them so unequivocal? Could they not create clearer signs which we could easily understand? A parallel in many of the abduction reports seems to be that the aliens understand our language. Many of those who say they have been abducted to a spaceship also say the aliens had communicated with them - even though through telepathy. So why are there no human language signs in the fields? But perhaps with respect to the different races and people on our planet they chose the universal language of geometry and mathematics to establish contact. ![]() |
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return of the gods |
Cosmic connection In his book The Cosmic Connection Michael Hesemann comes up with the astonishing thesis that the cropcircle makers might be not so far away from us as some believe. He refers to a theory that researcher Zecharia Sitchin put forward concerning the history of the development of mankind. Not an extraterrestrial race from outer space but inhabitants of the planet Nibiru - extraterrestrial but within our solar system. Sitchin substantiates his supposition by findings of old sumerian tables and seals. The Sumerians had enormous knowledge of our solar system and indeed a sumerian seal dating back to 2400 b. C. depicts our solar system and, as Hesemann claims, astronomically correct. The sun at the center, the planets circling around in correct order and true to scale: The small Mercury, of equal size as Venus and Earth the moon, Mars, the giants Jupiter and Saturn, the twin planets Uranus and Neptune and the small Pluto. Hesemann calls this seal the world's oldest star map. Astonishing indeed is the similarity with today's knowledge of the solar system, especially since man knew only 6 planets until the Renaissance age. Uranus was discovered only in 1781 by astronomer Sir Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel (1738-1822), 65 years later Johann Gottfried Galle (1812-1910) discovered Neptune and the discovery of Pluto even took until 1930. Nevertheless all of them are shown on the sumerian seal cylinder, and in addition a 10th planet, which is described on the sumerian star map, too. Hesemann writes: 'When the celestial kingdom came down to earth before the great flood', such starts the oldest chronicle of mankind, the sumerian list of kings in the 3rd millennium before Christ. Down to earth? Whence? Nobody knows where the Sumerians come from. At once, like out of nothing, they appeared around 3800 b. C. and with them their culture. No beginning, no evolution, pure culture. The explanation can be found in the cuneiform script texts. They report how the Gods came down from heaven to earth and created man - in Sumer, the paradise. Their first colony was the city of E.RI.DU meaning -house built at a far away place- which was built on an artificial hill at the mouth of the Euphrat in the middle of the land of edinu (plain) or E.DIN (home of the just), the Garden Eden from the bible. Eridu was to be the namesake of our planet - Ereds in Aramaic, Erd or Ertz in Kurdish, Eretz in Hebrew. Then other gods established other cities. Like a general staff they settled on earth and distributed their areas of responsibility. The lower gods, the Anunnaki, were given responsibility for the development of the Garden Eden: Coming from (god) Anu to follow his orders he placed three hundred of them in the sky as guards to find out the ways to unity, and on earth he let dwell six hundred. After he had given the Anunnaki in the sky and on earth his orders, Enlil distributed the positions. Who were the Anunnaki? Their Akkadian name an-nun-na-ki literally means: Those who came from heaven to earth. The heavon of the Anunnaki according to sumerian texts was NI.BI.RU, the planet of transgression, the center of the sky, a planet in our solar system. Where the Anunnaki extraterrestrial visitors? (=Mankind was created as slave of the gods, the Sumerians said. When the Anunnaki were tired of the burden, the hard work and the pain, the first revolution in history took place. The lesser gods started a mutiny: Every one of us declared war. The exhausting work is killing us. Their moans were heard in the heavens. In the bible the leader of the fallen angels has a name: Luzifer. Enlil wants to execute him but Anu and his son Enki come up with a better idea: A lulu amelu should be created, a primitive worker: Let him carry the burden, let him do the work not suited for the gods. Let us create Man. Soon the solution was found: The creature you named already exists. We only have to join it to the image of the gods. The Anunnaki had noticed that primates, Hominidae, lived not far from Abzu, in East Africa. By impregnation of the egg of a female primate with the divine semen of the Anunnaki rose lulu, literally -the mixed one- whom they called Adama (from earth). Following the pattern of the gods they created the primitive, from their blood they created mankind and gave them the order to free the gods. It was a comprehensive task. The sumerian texts describe in detail how it took several genetic interventions to complete the creation of man. When men were made they didn't know bread for food and didn't know clothes. They ate plants by mouth like sheep and drank water from a drench. Only by long-term observation of his evolution with punctual genetic intervention and the elimination of degenerated species, e. g. through the Flood, the gods turned man into homo sapiens who was allowed to settle in mud huts around their bases. Moreover, they appointed kings as leaders and priests as their intermediaries who became their disciples while they migrated between heaven and earth in their sky boats. Indeed, and this speaks for their credibility, the sumerian chronicles cite the correct time and place of the creation of man. Later, with the erection of Eridus about 428.000 years ago, began the reign of the gods over the Land of the Two Rivers. For 144.000 years or 40 schars (the amount of revolutions of Nibirus around the sun) the Anunnaki bore the burden of hard work before they revolted. This means that lulu was created about 280.000 years ago, just above Abzu, north of today's Zimbabwe. This is exactly time and place that paleo-anthropologists and biochemists define for the arrival of Homo Sapiens in East Africa. Should this bizarre and at the same time phantastic theory be true - where are the Anunnaki now? Acoording to the theory the gods have visited every 3600 years when Nibiru is closest to the earth. There are quite a number of signs indicating the return of the gods somewhere in the not so far future. Will mankind be once again enslaved? All that feel a growing panic may be calm. In the year 1000 a. C. Nibiru has reached the most distant point from the sun and now is on its way back. Yet it won’t be until 2.800 that the planet will come closest to the sun again. No reason to worry. Not for us, not for our grandchildren. ![]() |